People of color are living an economic nightmare. Because racism has always been profitable, we have never experienced an economy free from extraction and exploitation. As the seductive guise of neoliberalism breaks down, we, as people of color, have an opportunity to create and design a new economic philosophy that delivers freedom, dignity, choice and belonging in the coming generation.
People participate in "futuring" all the time, often in ways that don't bring us to more equitable, sustainable, or radical futures: Why not adapt these tools for liberatory futures instead? In this interactive virtual workshop, Facing Race conference participants created fictional future stories and artifacts through a choose-your-own-adventure style game. Organizers and advocates rarely have the time, energy, orspace to imagine in a way that doesn't begin with practical concerns or constraints. The value of this approach is in its capacity to reorient our thinking and give us a moment to dislodge the obstructions to liberation, if just for a moment, to shape the ways that we work beliefs about what is and isn't possible.