BULK SPACE intends to create opportunity for artists to make their best work, stretch, grow, and expand. The wordmark reflects this vision in two key ways and, in every situation, remains relatively subdued in order that artists and artworks can take center stage: First, selected letterforms, when set in Reglo, can expand horizontally to visually occupy more space. The entire wordmark can be used to take over margins in order to produce a frame that visually centers artists and their work, moving them out of the margins and into full view. The same treatment can be used for special situations, as shown below.
The sanctity of this space and the pursuits artists will undertake within Bulk Space’s walls and with its support are reflected, subtly, in the sacred geometries that became an integral part of the identity. Some sacred geometries appear in nature. Others have been used for thousands of years to construct architectures and objects that need to last. The five platonic solids, shown here, are the only polyhedra in which every face is the same regular polygon: a triangle, square or pentagon. As platonic solids represent the most basic, stable building blocks of our physical and spatial realities, Bulk Space intends to build a multi-dimensional platforms in which artists can come together and connect to resources, tools, equipment, and people.